25 Very British Things Invented by Immigrants

Mike Heath

Very British Things Invented by Immigrants

About This Article

While it is often portrayed in popular culture as being a fairly homogenous place, since long before Roman times, Britain has actually been quite a melting pot. People fleeing persecution, war or lack of opportunity all over the world have fled there, and the island nation has welcomed a mix of cultures and ideas for centuries.

Very British Things Invented by Immigrants

25 Very British Things Invented by Immigrants

Mike Heath

Mike has an MA in Creative Writing and is a full-time copywriter, yoga teacher, and playwright. His copywriting has taken him to dizzy heights: writing in every conceivable niche from facts about carpet slippers to portents about artificial intelligence and how to overcome plantar fasciitis (look it up) to fabulous home decor. Mike is a UK-based playwright whose work has been performed all around the world (as long as you count the UK and Western Australia). His work is available on Amazon, and you can listen to his podcast where he talks about playwriting with his sarcastic co-presenter. He runs the WriteForTheStage courses and you can follow him on @Write4TheStage (Twitter) and @_mike_heath_ on Instagram.


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